
Scribd is a free social document sharing platform that offers its users the ability to search, read and publish almost all kind of documents raging from e-books, presentation, essays to academic papers, newsletters, photo albums, sheet music and casual notes. The application offers a free platform where users can publish their content in simple yet powerful way. This website has a huge community of enthusiastic readers and publishers who keep on providing quality content to it. The biggest advantage of Scribd is its size and the range of content available in its continuously growing open library and community generated content. Scribd also offers a document management system which is secure, yet flexible, thus making it a perfect choice for users with varied, restrictive and private content. 

Efficiency : 5
Effectivity : 5
Portability : 3
Availability : 3

This application is very useful for students as it allows them access to different sources for their academic needs without having to spend too much time searching over the internet. Being able to personalize the content and reading materials also gives students the freedom to manage their required and casual readings.

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