Square Leaf

Squareleaf is a simple and intuitive virtual whiteboard, complete with all the sticky notes you'll ever need. Unlike the real thing, our notes don't fall off all of the time.Remembers important things, keep to-do lists, organises projects, track works and everything else that you need to do that you would never thought of which can really help anybody these days especially us students from forgetting our stuff. Efficiency :5 Effectivity :...

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Wolfram Alpha

There is a new search engine in town, a computational knowledge engine, as its creators call it. Wolfram|Alpha has really changed the concept as we know it. Combining the power of the web, many specialized databases, and a computation engine, it's been 20 years in the making and is finally ready for the masses. I'm calling it the world's largest real-time encyclopedia.Think about this... would you rather get answers based on facts, or...

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Apture Highlights

Product Information Company Name : Apture Inc. Product Website : www.apture.com Apture provides instantaneous access to information with its award-winning in-page search technology. Its products let readers immediately find and browse the best content from across the web - in one window. By transforming flat web pages into connected multimedia experiences, readers can fluidly dive into related information so they can see, hear,...

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Scribd is a free social document sharing platform that offers its users the ability to search, read and publish almost all kind of documents raging from e-books, presentation, essays to academic papers, newsletters, photo albums, sheet music and casual notes. The application offers a free platform where users can publish their content in simple yet powerful way. This website has a huge community of enthusiastic readers and publishers who keep...

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Nomadesk is a program which provides back ups for your files in your computer. It stores it online so you can get your files online anytime. There is an unlimited memory storage for all users, however, free users can only avail this program for 14 days. Its easy and trusted. Sharing files to other users to is very easy, you can share it in your computer or in your android phone or iphone.You also need not worry of your files' security because...

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Jux makes it easier for anyone to create an eye-catching website. The user can begin by selecting a pre-designed site on Jux. The application gives the user a large selection of site designs to choose from. Each is assigned tags and shows the user can see how many views it received, a short description and who submitted it. You can share the slideshows, banners, and flash cards through facebook and e-mail too. Efficiency : 3 Effectivity : 3 Portability...

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Product Information Company Name : Openmaru Studio Company Website : http://www.springnote.com/en Springnote is an internet service which allows you to create pages, to work on them together with your friends, and to share files. Springnote is also a great tool for group projects as it allows group members to easily collaborate. Advanced search, numerous templates, and 2GB of FREE File Storage are only few examples of how Springnote...

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Read It Later

Product Information Company : Idea Shower, LLC Webpage : http://readitlaterlist.com/ Read It Later is an application that allows users to save webpages for future viewing. The webpages are saved online and will be accessible on a user account basis which may also be download for offline viewing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLNfsLpM8zo Screenshots: Efficiency : 4 Effectivity : 4 Portability : 3 Availability : 5 Read It Later...

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