Nomadesk is a program which provides back ups for your files in your computer. It stores it online so you can get your files online anytime. There is an unlimited memory storage for all users, however, free users can only avail this program for 14 days. Its easy and trusted. Sharing files to other users to is very easy, you can share it in your computer or in your android phone or iphone.You also need not worry of your files' security because your files are stored with military grade encryption and can be remotely deleted in the event of a lost or stolen computer.
Efficiency: 4
Effectivity: 4
Availabilty: 4
Sharing information is important in group work as well as security. Users can make use of this application without being bothered with security risks while the need for sharing information is still done. The benefit in using this application is the convenience of being able to access and share the necessary documents and information while being mobile.